Class sizes a “good” number right now
PRINCE GEORGE – In the latest report to the Board of Education, this District seems to be holding its own in terms of class sizes, as mandated by the collective agreement. “There are very clear rules around that,” explains Craig Brennan, Chair of the Board of Education. “And so right now we don’t have any oversight classes that have not been addressed. So we have moved where we needed to move. So that’s a good news story.”
“So the good news is that overall for the district, we are below you know, the levels that we are required to be at,” explains Jameel Aziz, Superintendent of District 57. “But we do have pressure points. And certainly within Prince George in some of our neighborhoods and the class size averages are probably a little lower because of our rural communities. They tend to have, you know, fairly smaller classes, McBride, Valemount and Mackenzie. That does sort of help the impact a little bit.”