CKPG Today Art
‘Li Apwéen di mawshay’: Natasha Lepine showcases mental health journey in exhibit at Two Rivers Gallery
Dec 16, 2024 | 4:43 PM
A new exhibit titled ‘Li Apwéen di mawshay’ is on now at Two Rivers Gallery courtesy of Quesnel’s own Natasha Lepine! The title, written in Northern Michif, means “It is solved by walking,” a name inspired by the latin phrase “solvitur ambulando”: to find a practical solution to life’s problems. With this theme, we may allow ourselves to trace Lepine’s journey, experiencing where she has walked and created these pieces, overcoming some of her troubles along the way. Perhaps while walking alongside her art, you, too, will begin to find your way around some of life’s many obstacles. Check out the exhibit on now until January 22, 2025.