UNBC Research Group Gets $1 Million

Mar 27, 2018 | 2:48 PM

PRINCE GEORGE- The Integrated Watershed Research Group has received a million dollars to support the next five years of study on the Nechako River basin. The research aims to protect waterways in the region from the effects of climate change and ensure they continue to thrive for years to come.

“We want to develop better knowledge and understanding of all the processes that affect the hydrology, the climate, the sediments within the Nechako watershed and inform our partners in the watershed of this environment that’s changing, and trying to understand what factors are leading to these changes,” said Environmental Science professor, Dr Stephen Déry.

Half of the money comes from the Nechako Environmental Enhancement Fund, which is a partnership between the Ministry of Forests and Rio Tinto. The group has been researching watershed in the region for the last four years. Phase two will further that research and create a web portal for community partners to get involved.