Bidding process opens

Bid process opens to extend northern inter-city bus services

Jul 12, 2019 | 4:12 PM

PRINCE GEORGE — The provincial government has opened up the bid process to extend northern inter-city bus service in northern B.C. through to March 21, 2021.

B.C.’s Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure says the request for proposal (RFP) aims to select one or more qualified transportation providers to operate on the four routes currently serviced by BC Bus North.

The ministry says the RFP will remain open on BCBid until Aug. 22, 2019 at 2. p.m. Pacific time.

“Respondents are asked to state conditions that would lead to the inter-city transportation service to operate without government subsidies. All inquiries from interested parties are to be directed to BC Transit as outlined in the RFP.”