Job Placement Office

Job Placement Office opens

Dec 20, 2019 | 3:56 PM

Fort St. James – A new job placement office is now open in Fort St. James to help displaced forestry workers with placements elsewhere for work.

“So they’re going to look at the applications that have come into the Forest Workers Support Program,” explains Frank Everitt, one of two coordinators of the program. “They’ll identify them by area so there’s and see what they want to do and how we can match those jobs up with the support workers that we have in those places

There are five such officers in the province. Including Fort St. James, there are offices in Mackenzie, Fort St. John, 100 Mile House and Clearwater.

They were announced as part of a $69 million in supports in light of the downturn in forestry, with the Lion’s Share going to retirement bridging programs.