local shopping

Are you keeping it local this holiday season?

Dec 23, 2019 | 1:17 PM

PRINCE GEORGE–Last-minute shoppers may be hitting the Big Box Stores today and tomorrow, AKA: Christmas Eve, however, there are other options for gifts this Holiday season.

“What the local business brings to you…sometimes you get that local, homemade, handmade element,” said Todd Corrigall, CEO of the Prince George Chamber of Commerce, “sometimes you find something that you wouldn’t typically find at a big box store.” However, big-box stores are important too, “big-box (stores are) going to employ more people, so there’s probably more residual money that is flowing back through the economy,” said Corrigall.

“There is so much good products created in our community and anytime of year, especially the holidays is a really good time to celebrate that.”–Teresa Dereis, owner of Adventures in Self Sufficiency.

“Before I even started having a business or making my own products, just as a consumer it was really important to me to get things locally, support our community, our economy…and also reducing environmental impact,” said Teresa Dereis, owner of Adventures in Self Sufficiency.