Province’s economic plan lacks clear goals for forestry sector
PRINCE GEORGE—During the province’s hour long press conference Thursday, forestry was not mentioned once. While the industry is mentioned in the government’s 40-page report, the goals outlined are vague. As northern communities battle with curtailments and closures, leaders are worried about the lack of clear goals to fix the forestry industry.
One production line at the Plateau Sawmill in Vanderhoof is now shutting down permanently–affecting 70 jobs. Canfor said the Taylor Pulp Mill would undergo a six-week curtailment. Which is estimated to reduce production by at least 25,000 tonnes.
Canfor has said it would provide support for workers of the Vanderhoof site–including offering jobs at other sites.
“For us as a community, we’ve been concerned about this for a while. Certainly we had seen this coming.” said Mayor Gerry Thiessen, District of Vanderhoof.