ID 63692333 © Brandon Smith |
Port of Prince Rupert has grown since 2016

Study finds Port of Prince Rupert saw increase in employment and economic growth since 2016

Jul 30, 2019 | 10:29 AM

PRINCE RUPERT–A study released by the Prince Rupert Port Authority revealed that employment associated with moving trade through northern BC to the Port of Prince Rupert has grown since 2016.

The study saw an increase from 5,200 jobs to 6,200 jobs over two years, analyzing a wide variety of factors based on the 26.7 million tonnes shipped through the Port in 2018, determining that economic and employment benefits continue to grow throughout the north.

In 2018 alone, the international trade cargo handled around $50 billion at the Port of Prince Rupert, and transporting that trade through the gateway created $1.5 billion of economic activity in the region.

According to the study, annual wages associated with that employment totalled $481 million and the average annual wage rose to $87,200 in 2018. The port’s activity also created over $125 million in annual tax revenues for the Canadian and BC and local governments.