wetter weather affecting restaurants

Wetter weather affecting restaurant’s patio season

Jul 30, 2019 | 1:58 PM

PRINCE GEORGE– Is the wetter weather cinching your appetite this patio season?

Crossroads Front of House Manager Crystal Saur says that there definitely is a difference between last year’s summer and this one so far, when it comes to business. However, she does not believe that it is too much of a deterrent to the food lovers of Prince George. “Last night we had a little bit of rain, the umbrella’s were out, and people were still sitting out here,” said Saur and despite the rain she mentions that “business is still good.”

Dr. Peter Jackson, Professor of Atmospheric Science at UNBC says that this summer has been a wet one for the city, however the long-term forecast looks promising for those feeling neglected by, Mr. Golden Sun. “The long range forecast, issued by Environment Canada suggests that we should actually experience above normal temperatures for August and September,” said Dr.Jackson.

He mentions that in the short-term forecast, the weather looks like it will begin to shape up for the August long-weekend.