Fresh Air For All: North Central BC Clean Air Forum Wraps Up

Jun 5, 2018 | 3:37 PM

PRINCE GEORGE- The North Central BC Clean Air Forum wraps up this evening. The two-day event hosted a variety of guest speakers and local air quality specialists. The goal is to continue conversations about reducing air pollution across the region. PGAIR Manager, Kim Menounos, says the north faces different issues than larger communities due to things like industry, wood burning, street sweeping, and wildfires, so it’s important to host events like this locally. Menounos adds the forum called on community leaders to reduce air pollution, but also on individuals. “Each of us doing our own part, making sure that we’re burning with dry wood that’s seasoned and producing as little smoke as possible, we all need to drive less, we all have impacts on our local airshed,” says Menounos,”we also need to keep talking about it and talking to our elected officials about it and looking at different ways that communities can address different air quality issues.”