B.C. Hydro survey turns up the heat

Feb 14, 2019 | 3:38 PM

PRINCE GEORGE- A new report by B.C. Hydro says that couples are turning up the heat when it comes to the household thermostat. The report says that four in 10 couples admit to having argued over the temperature at some point.

The survey by B.C. Hydro found that B.C. couples will go out of their way when it comes to temperature in their home and that twice as many are comforted by comfort over cost savings. More than 60 per cent admitted to adjusting the thermostat while their partner was not looking and 50 per cent say they have waited for their partner to leave before adjusting the thermostat. With love in the air, B.C Hydro is encouraging B.C. couples to call an end to the thermostat war.

20 per cent of those surveyed has said they turn the temperature up or down just to annoy their partner. The survey also revealed that arguing about what temperature the thermostat is set at is one of the most argued about topics, ahead of who is making dinner and who forgot to turn out the lights.