Close calls

Too many close calls for bus drivers

Sep 5, 2019 | 4:34 PM

PRINCE GEORGE – Too many close calls has prompted Diversified Transportation to put out a call to remind drivers to heed the rules of the road around school buses. It is simple: When the red lights are flashing and the stop sign is activated, vehicles travelling in both directions need to stop.

Shirley Knox has driven a school bus for 14 years in School District 57 and recounts one terrifying moment. “A logging truck was coming past me. My yellow [lights] were already on, I opened my doors so the reds came on and the stop sign goes out and he kept coming through anyway and locking up his brakes. I had a small kindergarten child trying to cross the road and I couldn’t see her and I couldn’t see where the logging truck was … and, yeah, that was my scariest moment.”

The General Manager of Diversified Luis Gonzalez says he hears the stories every day from drivers about close calls.

“Our drivers come in and they’re upset because we’ve had situations where there have been close calls with our students.”