Rooftop Rock

Drive-in concert moved to larger venue

May 20, 2020 | 10:20 AM

PRINCE GEORGE — An outdoor concert set for this Saturday has been moved to a new location.

Billed as the first concert of its kind for Canada – A Drive-in Concert Experience is now set to be held on the roof at CN Centre at Exhibition Park. It was previously planned for the rooftop of Canadian Tire.

“We are super excited for this Saturday’s event and apparently so are a heck of a lot more people than we originally anticipated,” says Event Producer Kyle Sampson.

“When we started planning this thing, we figured we would see a couple hundred cars in the parking lot at best, what we are now realizing is that we could see significantly more than that – so we need to be adequately prepared.”

He says by moving to Exhibition Park it will not only allow more cars but will also allow for greater physical distancing between cars.

Sampson says vehicles will be parked in a checker-board type pattern leaving every other space empty. The row behind each vehicle will be staggered from the one in front, providing patrons with the best view possible of rock band Studio 720, who will be playing on the rooftop.

Despite enhanced spacing, patrons will still be required to stay in their vehicle and must follow all laws and health orders that are in place.

The event is being offered free of charge, but organizers are hoping patrons will consider donating to the Wheelin’ Warriors of the North cycling team who will be raising money for cancer research. The goal is to raise $10,000. You can also donate online by clicking here. The concert starts at 7:30 p.m.

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